
Designing and building software. Occasionally, a UX Engineer for startups and enterprises in healthcare and financial services.


  • Director of UX at Prospr by Sun Life (2022-2023)
  • Engagement Lead at IBM Garage (2021-2022)
  • Co-Founder of Blackcreek, Design Agency (2018 - 2020, Exited)
  • Co-Founder of SwiftPad, ePrescribing + Pharmacy OS (2016-2017, IP Acquired by Medavail )


  • Building Humblytics, a cookie-free analytics and A/B split testing tool.
  • Fractional UX Engineer for startups and enterprises including Vetster, Co-Operators, MatchDay Health, Sun Life International, Canadian Medical Association, and more.


How to redesign your life
How to redesign your life

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