
Entrepreneur and UX Engineer. I built and sold an ePrescribing app, then ran an agency specializing in healthcare technology. My design and product expertise spans from founding startups to driving change in large organizations.

Currently, I'm designing and building a portfolio of software businesses at the intersection of UX engineering, AI, and fintech.


  • Co-Founder of Humblytics - Intuitive Website Analytics and A/B Split Testing
  • Fractional UX Engineer - Research and design engineering for high growth startups


  • Director of UX at Prospr by Sun Life (2022-2023)
  • Engagement Lead at IBM Garage (2021-2022)
  • Co-Founder of Blackcreek, Design Agency (2018 - 2020, Exited)
  • Co-Founder of SwiftPad, ePrescribing + Pharmacy OS (2016-2017, IP Acquired by Medavail )


How to redesign your life
How to redesign your life

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